Security Patrols

With Underfunded & Overstretched Leeds Police Services, Private Security Firms are Coming to the Rescue.

The Rising Necessity for Manned Guarding Amidst Leeds’ Business Burglaries

In recent years, Leeds has faced a significant rise in business crime, particularly burglaries. With the UK police services experiencing years of underfunding, many businesses in Leeds are left vulnerable to criminal activities. As a result, the demand for private security firms offering manned guarding services has been on the rise. This shift towards private security is crucial for protecting both staff and assets in the face of escalating business crime rates.

Understanding the Surge in Leeds’ Business Crime Rates

The escalation in business crime rates in Leeds is a multifaceted issue, deeply rooted in a combination of economic pressures, social dynamics, and the advent of increasingly sophisticated criminal methodologies. This troubling uptick is not merely a reflection of opportunistic theft but signals a broader trend of targeted attacks on businesses. Amidst this landscape, companies find themselves grappling with the tangible threat of burglaries, acts of vandalism, and a spectrum of illicit activities that compromise their operational integrity.

The diminishing resources and constrained capacity of law enforcement agencies have only exacerbated the situation, leaving a security vacuum that businesses are struggling to fill. This gap has underscored the necessity for an augmented security posture, catalysing the transition towards private security solutions to shoulder the burden of protection. The rationale behind this pivot lies not just in safeguarding physical assets but in fortifying the very fabric of business operations against the incursions of criminal elements.

As the city navigates these economic adversities and social complexities, the pattern of crime reflects a deliberate exploitation of vulnerabilities within the business sector. Criminal entities have become adept at circumventing traditional security measures, leveraging the element of surprise and the inadequacies of conventional deterrents. This evolution in criminal tactics mandates a response that is both dynamic and comprehensive, addressing the nuanced threats that businesses in Leeds now face.

In this challenging context, the reliance on private security firms emerges as a pragmatic response, bridging the divide between the demands of safety and the limitations of public law enforcement. The adaptation to these circumstances is indicative of a broader recalibration within the security paradigm, where the protection of businesses aligns closely with the preservation of the local economy and community well-being.

This article outlines the high statistics Leeds is facing in terms of Business crime placing it in number 1 position for UK business crime.

The Direct Impact of Business Crimes on Leed’s Economy

The ramifications of business crimes in Leeds extend far beyond the immediate victims, weaving a complex web of economic repercussions throughout the city. These illicit activities, ranging from theft to property damage, impose a hefty financial burden on businesses, large and small. The quantifiable costs, such as repair expenses and the replacement of stolen goods, only scratch the surface. There’s an insidious, less tangible toll as well – the erosion of customer confidence and the tarnishing of brand reputation, factors that can significantly impede business growth and stability.

Moreover, the ripple effects of these crimes contribute to a climate of uncertainty, deterring prospective investments and stifling economic vibrancy. Entrepreneurs, wary of the risks, may hesitate to establish or expand their operations in affected areas, leading to missed opportunities for job creation and community development. The negative publicity associated with high crime rates can also impact tourism, a vital source of revenue for many local businesses, further dampening the economic prospects of the region.

In grappling with these challenges, the commitment to enhanced security measures, particularly through manned guarding services, emerges as a critical strategy. Such investments not only shield individual businesses from the immediate impacts of crime but also play a pivotal role in fortifying the economic resilience of Leeds as a whole. By curbing the incidence and severity of business crimes, the collective efforts of the private security sector and the businesses they serve contribute to a more stable, confident, and prosperous economic landscape.

The Shift Towards Private Security Firms

Manned Security Guard

In the current climate, where Leeds grapples with an uptick in business-related crime, the role of private security firms has become increasingly pivotal. These entities bring to the fore a level of specialised knowledge and acumen in safeguarding businesses that is hard to match by traditional law enforcement alone, especially under the constraints of current funding and resource limitations. The expertise that these firms provide is not limited to the physical presence of manned guarding but extends to a comprehensive understanding of risk assessment and the implementation of effective, tailor-made security strategies.

Businesses, recognising the acute need for heightened security, are progressively leaning towards the expertise offered by these private entities. This trend is not a mere reaction to the existing security challenges but a forward-thinking approach to ensuring business continuity and the safety of both assets and personnel. The integration of manned guarding services with technological aids like CCTV and fast response systems creates a robust security framework that addresses both immediate and potential threats.

The reliance on private security firms denotes a significant shift in how businesses in Leeds approach their security needs. It is a reflection of the evolving security landscape, where the demands of protection cannot be fully met by public policing alone. This movement towards private security solutions is emblematic of businesses’ proactive stance in navigating the complexities of today’s security challenges, ensuring they remain resilient in the face of adversity.

Manned Guarding Explained: More Than Just a Deterrent

Manned guarding encompasses far more than the mere presence of security personnel poised at the entrance of a business premises. It embodies a holistic approach to security that integrates proactive surveillance, meticulous access control, and finely tuned emergency response mechanisms. Trained security teams offer a dynamic and versatile defence against the ever-evolving threats that businesses in Leeds currently navigate. These professionals conduct regular patrols, seamlessly manage access to sensitive areas, and stand as the first line of defence in crisis situations, ensuring an immediate and competent reaction to potential breaches in security.

The essence of manned guarding lies in its ability to adapt and respond to the specific needs of each business. By tailoring security measures to fit the unique profile and vulnerabilities of a premises, manned guarding services extend beyond deterrence, actively enhancing the security infrastructure of a business. This approach not only discourages criminal activity through visible presence but also employs a strategic depth in safeguarding assets and personnel, through vigilant monitoring and rapid response capabilities.

Furthermore, manned guarding facilitates a nuanced understanding of the premises under protection, allowing security personnel to identify and mitigate risks with an informed perspective. This level of customisation and detailed focus underscores the comprehensive nature of manned guarding, positioning it as a critical component in the broader security strategy of Leeds’ businesses. It is this comprehensive, tailored approach that truly encapsulates the full spectrum of benefits manned guarding brings to the forefront of business security.

The Legal and Ethical Considerations of Private Security

Navigating the realm of private security, businesses in Leeds must tread carefully, balancing the imperatives of safeguarding their operations with adherence to a complex web of legal and ethical frameworks. The crux of employing private security firms rests not only in their efficacy but equally in their commitment to operating within the bounds of legality and ethical practice. Engaging with firms that meticulously uphold these principles is paramount, for it shields businesses from inadvertently entangling themselves in legal quagmires or facing the repercussions of unethical conduct.

The selection process for a private security partner should be underpinned by rigorous due diligence, ensuring that the firm not only possesses the requisite licences and accreditations but also aligns with best practice standards. This involves a discerning evaluation of the firm’s track record, policies regarding the use of force, data protection protocols, and their approach to respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals. Such scrutiny ensures that the security measures implemented do not overstep legal boundaries or ethical norms, thereby maintaining the integrity and reputation of the business in the public eye.

Moreover, this vigilance in selection fosters a relationship of trust between businesses, their security partners, and the wider community. It underscores a commitment to a security paradigm that respects legal obligations and ethical mandates, ensuring that the pursuit of safety does not compromise the values that underpin a just and equitable society. In essence, the deliberation over legal and ethical considerations in private security is a testament to a business’s dedication to responsible stewardship, embodying a holistic approach to security that transcends mere asset protection.

Case Studies: Success Stories of Manned Guarding in Leeds

The city of Leeds has witnessed a transformative impact of manned guarding services across a diverse range of business environments. A prime example involves a local retail chain that, plagued by frequent break-ins, turned to a reputed private security firm to overhaul its security strategy. The introduction of round-the-clock manned guarding not only led to an immediate cessation of burglaries but also fostered a sense of safety among staff and customers, revitalising business operations and customer footfall.

Another compelling narrative comes from the corporate sector, where an office complex was confronting persistent threats of vandalism and theft. The deployment of manned guards equipped with the latest security training and technological tools transformed the premises into a bastion of safety. The guards’ presence and their adept handling of potential security breaches have been instrumental in preserving the integrity of the complex’s assets and ensuring the uninterrupted continuity of business activities.

These case studies underscore the efficacy of manned guarding services in creating a secure and reassuring environment for businesses in Leeds. By integrating expertly trained personnel with strategic security measures, businesses have not only shielded themselves from the immediate threats but also positioned themselves as responsible and secure establishments within the community. The success stories of these businesses offer valuable insights into the tangible benefits of adopting a fortified security posture, illuminating the path for others in the city grappling with similar security challenges.

The Cost of Safety: Analysing the Investment in Manned Guarding

Embracing manned guarding services necessitates a financial outlay that, on initial reflection, might seem burdensome to some businesses in Leeds. However, this perspective shifts markedly when considering the broader economic ramifications of business crime. The calculus is straightforward: the expense associated with securing skilled security personnel pales in comparison to the potential losses stemming from burglaries, vandalism, and the subsequent disruption of business operations. It’s a matter of weighing the immediate costs against the long-term savings and stability.

A deeper analysis reveals that the investment in manned guarding not only curtails direct losses from criminal activities but also plays a pivotal role in preserving the company’s market position. The assurance of safety bolsters customer confidence and enhances the working environment for employees, contributing to increased productivity and profitability. Therefore, when dissected from a cost-benefit perspective, the allocation of resources towards manned guarding emerges as a strategic investment rather than a mere expense. This strategic investment fortifies the business’s resilience against the multifaceted threats posed by the current security landscape in Leeds, ensuring that operations remain unimpeded and future-focused.

Article by

Kingsman Group Ltd

Sancorp Business Park
17 Larchfield Road
LS10 1QP

Tel: UK: 0113 243 6450

Abbey Mills, Off Kirkstall Rd, Leeds

Abbey Mills – Secured By Kingsman Group

Kingsman Group have been securing the historic Abbey Mills, off Kirkstall Road, Leeds.

This 19th century mill buildings stand next to beautiful Kirkstall Abbey.

In a remarkable display of preservation and dedication to Leeds’ rich historical heritage, the Kingsman Group has taken an important step towards protecting the iconic Abbey Mills. This historic gem, situated in the heart of Leeds, has stood as a testament to the city’s industrial past for over a century. The announcement that the Kingsman Group has undertaken the task of safeguarding this historic site is a cause for celebration among history enthusiasts and preservation advocates alike.

Abbey Mills, dating back to the 19th century, has long been recognized as a symbol of Leeds’ industrial prowess. The historic site, with its stunning Victorian architecture, played a significant role in the development of the city and is considered a vital part of its heritage. However, over the years, it has faced the threat of vandalism and trespassing, putting its historical value and architectural integrity in jeopardy.



Our solution was effective: state-of-the-art CCTV surveillance combined with boarding up vulnerable windows. This dynamic duo of security measures now ensures that Abbey Mills is under a vigilant watch 24/7. Any unauthorized attempts to access the premises will be swiftly detected, preventing vandalism and trespassing from causing further harm to this invaluable piece of Leeds’ heritage.

The Abbey Mills restoration project has not only secured the site but has also instilled a renewed sense of pride and hope in the community. This accomplishment serves as a testament to the power of collaboration and the dedication of those who stand as guardians of our past.



Once our great team of engineers and CCTV specialist have completed their work, we can monitor the situation at the mills, ensuring that no more damage is committed by trespassers and vandals before the restoration projects begins.

New Greggs Sign Up: Protection by Kingsman

Greggs’ first UK drive thru sign is installed and nearly ready for launch. Protected by our CCTV and highly trained security staff, work on the site has been progressing quickly and as you can see it looks more like a drive thru now.

We will share more updates as they happen. Here are a few images of the project’s progress.

Luxury Apartments Manned Guards

Luxury Apartments – Manned Guarding

Luxury apartments are the epitome of class, style, and comfort. They provide residents with a secure and safe environment where they can enjoy their life without any worries. However, ensuring the safety and security of these luxury apartments is not an easy task. It requires a high level of vigilance and expertise. This is where manned security guards come in.

Manned security guards play a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of luxury apartments. They are trained professionals who are skilled in identifying potential threats and taking appropriate actions to prevent them. Here are some of the key benefits of having manned security guards in luxury apartments:

Deterrence of Criminal Activities

Manned security guards act as a deterrent to criminal activities. Their mere presence can discourage potential criminals from attempting any unlawful activities in the apartment complex. This is because criminals know that they will be easily spotted and apprehended by the security guards.

24/7 Monitoring

Manned security guards provide round-the-clock monitoring of the apartment complex. They keep a close eye on any suspicious activity and take immediate action if necessary. This ensures that residents can enjoy their lives without worrying about their safety.

Quick Response Time

In case of an emergency, manned security guards are trained to respond quickly and efficiently. They are equipped with the necessary tools and skills to handle any situation that may arise. This ensures that any potential threat is neutralized before it can cause harm to the residents.

Customer Service

Apart from providing security, manned security guards also offer customer service to the residents. They are friendly and approachable, and residents can approach them for any assistance or information. This helps to create a sense of community and ensures that residents feel safe and valued.


Manned security guards are adaptable and can handle a variety of situations. They are trained to handle everything from basic security procedures to complex emergency situations. This makes them an indispensable asset to luxury apartment complexes.

In conclusion, manned security guards play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of luxury apartments. They provide round-the-clock monitoring, quick response  time, and customer service to the residents. Their presence acts as a deterrent to criminal activities and ensures that residents can enjoy their lives without worrying about their safety. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have manned security guards in luxury apartment complexes.

Contact our great team and get a quote if you are in need of manned guards to secure your property or business

Update – First Greggs Drive Thru UK

Our CCTV and security staff  have been successfully protecting the site, equipment and workers at the first Greggs’ drive thru in the UK. Work on the site has been progressing quickly and as you can see it looks more like a drive thru now, soon the Greggs sign will be installed.

We will share more updates as they happen. Here are a few images of the project’s progress.

Net2 Control System Software

Access Control System – Community Centre

Residential CCTV Install Night time

Residential CCTV Install

Our team has been busy installing CCTV cameras on this residential install.

This install uses our 3k colourVU (sees colour at night) with Audio so each camera can pick up audio around its area and provide a crystal clear image.

Our team installed the excellent mobile app on the customers smart phone which allows mobile viewing of the cameras and recording even when away from home.

The addition features of line crossings and motion detection can be set up to alert the customer on their smart phone of any unauthorised personnel.

Contact our great team and get a quote for your residential install

Video Footage

New CCTV Install – First Greggs Drive Thru UK

We have been busy installing CCTV cameras on the construction site for the first drive thru Greggs in the UK.

Our engineer using the cherry picker to help setup the CCTV cameras. All our engineers are skilled and hold driving licenses for the use of construction equipment.

Our cameras are here to protect the construction site, workers and equipment. We use highest quality PTZ cameras with X25 zoom allowing us great detail. We also installed a battery backup system to ensure continuous recording even if the power is accidentally interrupted.

Here are a few images of the construction site and cameras we have installed.

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